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Biography 簡歷

Tiffany Lau is currently studying a doctoral program at the University of Bristol, and conducting research on Vocal Pedagogy. She graduated with an academic degree with honors from the Music Department at the University of Hull, and later obtained a scholarship to study a master's degree to complete the study in vocal music. Early enlightenment by Ms. Chan Pui-Shang and Ms. Chiffon Lee have made Lau to be actively involved in a number of music activities and academic competitions. Lau then studied in the UK, studying with a number of singers such as Sarah Rhodes, Claire Booth, as well as vocal coach, Andrew Mattews-Owen, Kevin Thraves (RNCM) and more. During these years, Lau has obtained excellent results in the Royal School of Music Diploma, Trinity College of Music as well as London College of Music: FTCL,  FLCM, LTCL and ATCL. Lau has furthered her professional singing career in Opera at Royal College of Music in U.K with Professor Patricia Rozario, Andrew Robinson and Stephen Varcoe with Li Po Chun Scholarship.

Throughout the years she has also received lots of awards. In Oct 2012, Lau was awarded the Honorable Award in the World Singing Competition, New York. In 2008, she won Miss Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship. Lau held the first concert 'In the Heart of You' in 2007 at the Hong Kong Shueng Wan Civic Centre, with great success. Lau sang her vocal recital at the St. Mary Chunch, London in Feb 2014. During 2008-2010, Lau has performed in two recital concerts at the University of Hull, and was invited to take part as a soloist guest by many music groups St. Patrick's Church, Goole Choral Society, Snaith Choral Society, respectively, in venue St. Patrick's Church, Goole Parish Church, Snaith Priory Church, Hemingbrough Minster.

Since 2014, Lau was invited to be the adjudicator of the 'Little Musical Philanthropists' singing competition.  In Oct 2012, Lau became the youngest and the first Hong Kong Soprano to sing at Carnegie Hall, New York. In 2011,Lau performed in 'Tiffany Lau Recital' with great success in Hong Kong. Lau often sings western opera arias, art songs and folk songs in concert, including a wide range of period repertoire. Lau's operatic roles include Margarita from Faust, Juliette from Romeo et Juliette, Despina from Cosi fa tutti and Servillia from La Clemenza di Tito. Most recently Lau was interviewed by TVB in and New Tang Dynasty Television, discussing about singing experience. In addition to performance activities, Lau is also active in music education and has taught vocal since 2005 and trained a lot of talented singer.  And Lau established Tiffany Lau Vocal Performance Academy in 2015.

劉倪彤女士 現正於布理斯托大學 修讀博士課程,主要研究為聲樂教學法。劉氏 於英國赫爾大學音樂系畢業,獲學術榮譽學士,及後以優異成績獲取獎學金完成修讀演唱碩士學位。早年得到陳佩珊老師及李芝玲老師啟蒙,學生時期已積極參與多項音樂活動,及各項學界比賽。其後到英國留學,先後跟隨多位著名歌唱家Chiffon Lee、Sarah Rhodes、Claire Booth 等,以及聲樂指導Andrew Mattews-Owen、Kevin Thraves等,更以優異成績獲得獎學金鑽研聲樂。其間考取英國皇家音樂學院演唱文憑、聖三一音樂學院及倫敦音樂樂院,聲樂演唱研究院院士、聲樂教師及聲樂獨唱文憑均取得優異成績。為了對美聲唱法有更深層次的認識, 於二零一三年劉氏 獲得李寶椿獎學金, 並開始到英國皇家音樂學院進修歌劇課程。師隨聲樂家Patrica Rozario,聲樂指導Andrew Robinson 及  Stephen Varcoe。

二零一三年十月,劉氏 參加紐約全球聲樂大賽, 奪得最具潛質大獎。多年來,劉氏 在比賽中多次獲獎項,在二零零八年,在比賽中獲得了費明儀女士聲樂獎學金。劉氏曾於二零零七年,假香港上環文娛中心舉行首場音樂會《扣人心弦2007》,獲得各界好評。二零一四年二月於倫敦聖瑪莉教堂舉行個人獨唱會。二零零八至二零一零年其間,於赫爾大學兩度舉行個人獨唱會,又多次應音樂團體St. Patrick's Society 、 Goole Choral Society 、 Snaith Choral Society之邀請,分別於St. Patrick's Church、Goole Parish Church 、Snaith Priory Church、Hemingbrough Minster等,為其擔任獨唱嘉賓。

由二零一四年起,連續四年被邀請為《小小慈善家》聲樂比賽擔任評審。二零一二年十月, 劉氏 應邀出席紐約卡內基音樂廳的音樂會。成為最年輕在該音樂廳獻唱的香港女高音。二零一一年,劉氏 於香港荃灣大會堂舉行《劉倪彤個人獨唱會》,獲得各參與者高度評價。劉氏 常於音樂會上演唱西洋歌劇、神劇、藝術歌曲以至民歌等,多年來參與的演出不計其數。二零一零年被新唐人電視台邀請專訪對美聲見解及體會,又於二零一一年五月接受香港無線電視的音樂節目訪問, 暢談對聲樂的心得。除演唱活動外,劉氏亦熱心於音樂教學工作,並於二零零五年開始教授聲樂,多年來致力推廣藝術教育,培訓藝術人才,並於二零一五年 創立 劉倪彤聲樂學校。



  • Studied with Opera singer - Patricia Rozario, Sarah Rhodes, Chiffon Lee

  • Repertoire Coach - Andrew Robinson, Stephen Varcoe

  • Participated in masterclasses with distinguished musicians, such as Kevin Thraves (Coaching from Royal Northern College of Music), Claire Booth, Andrew Mattews-Owen.


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Research and professional Studies in Education- University of Bristol , UK

  • Postgraduate Cert. in Vocal Performance- Royal College of Music , UK

  • Master of Music in Performance - University of Hull , UK

  • Bachelor of Music (Hons) - University of Hull , UK

  • Fellowship of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Performance, London - FTCL

  • Fellow of London College of Music in Classical Singing - FLCM

  • Licentiate of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Teaching , London  - LTCL

  • Associate of Trinity College of Music in Vocal Performance , London - ATCL​

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